

EATCB is actively involved and supports a variety of projects in Europe.

EATCB has developed close co-operation with other organisations.

EATCB has links with 'sister' associations.



(European Group for Accreditation and Liaison of Blood-Tissues and Cells Establishments) aims to promote the harmonization of practices among DC, BE and TE, encourage the collaboration among stakeholders and the implementation of strategies required to improve accessibility and sufficiency of SoHO at European level. 

Further details:

Euro GTP II - European Good Tissue & cell Practices (2nd project)

Euro-GTP II project aims to set good tissue & cell practices for preparation processes and patient follow-up procedures to ensure safety and support the evaluation of clinical efficacy.

Euro-GTP II receives funding from European Union's Health Program (2014 - 2020).

Further details may be found on the Euro-GTP II website:

The NOTIFY Project & NOTIFY Library

WHO promotes the governance of Medical Products of Human Origin (MPHO). The Notify Library is the first WHO initiative that covers the full MPHO scope. The Notify Library is a joint global initiative, co-sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Italian National Transplant Centre (CNT) as its Collaborating Center, that supports the sharing of published vigilance information for teaching purposes and for greater public transparency on the use of MPHO. The library aims to be comprehensive, describing all types of reactions or events that might have teaching value and assist in the estimation of risk


TRANSPOSE Is an EC funded project which aims to be a structured, alternative approach to construct risk-based Guidelines for the selection and protection of donors. TRANSPOSE may facilitate the process of revising related EU Directives. Moreover, the developed guiding principles and Donor Selection & Protection Guidelines will assist EU member states to implement policies in a consistent and clear-cut way. Finally, a standard Donor Health Questionnaire with carefully guided local/regional/national customization will become available, which can be used widely and will enable comparisons between Member States on the prevalence of certain risks and risky behaviours throughout Europe.

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